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Penguin Diver 2

It's amazing how one night's sleep refreshes my eyes and I see a painting all anew. Often when I get stuck on a piece I leave it sit and sleep on it, coming back the next day to look again with a clean slate in my head. This morning when I walked into the room where Penguin Diver was sitting on the easel with all the sketches tacked to the wall, I immediately noticed that the gesture was totally off on the girl and diving penguin. Also, it felt really crowded and too close to the other figures. So my major work of the day was to wipe that side of the picture out and reblock it in. Now it feels much more true to my original sketch and not nearly so awkward. Unfortunately, I didn't get much else done on painting today. Two year olds take up a lot of time and attention! As any mother/artist could tell you, I'm sure.

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